If you’re dissatisfied with the size of your current hearing aid, or if concerns about large hearing aids have discouraged you from getting one at all, you may want to ask your hearing specialist about getting an invisible hearing aid.
Are Invisible hearing aids truly invisible?
The category Invisible In Canal (IIC) hearing aids includes a spectrum of custom crafted hearing aids that are designed to fit deeply into the ear canal and mostly out of view. Individual anatomy and hearing level specifics will influence the actual size and visibility of the finished products.
How invisible hearing aids work
These devices known as invisible-in-the-canal hearing aids have the potential to revolutionize your experience with hearing devices. These tiny machines are placed deep in the ear canal so that they can’t be seen in most cases, and they use the shape of the ear to provide an optimal listening experience that eliminates distractions and improves clarity.
The benefits of invisible hearing aids
Invisible hearing aids improve the features of more traditional models in several ways. As the name suggests, these devices are so small that they are imperceptible in many ears, and they can be custom made to fit you perfectly. If discretion is important to you, getting an IIC may change the way you think about hearing aids. Invisible hearing aids are placed deep in the ear canal, which allows them to deliver clear, natural sound because the speaker is closer to the eardrum for an efficient delivery of acoustic energy. When properly fitted, IIC hearing aids not only present more natural sound, but may feel natural in your ear as the “footprint” of contact between the hearing aid and the ear is less that with larger devices.
The limitations of invisible hearing aids
If you choose to wear an invisible hearing aid, you may have to make some trade-offs. The most obvious limitation of these tiny devices is that they are not powerful enough for most individuals with severe hearing loss. While the size of the IIC hearing aids prevents the use of directional microphones for noise reduction, the natural position of the microphones helps compensate for the loss of this feature. Additionally, a smaller hearing aid means a smaller battery, and batteries in invisible hearing aids may need to be changed more frequently than batteries in larger devices. The position of the IIC hearing aid in the ear is typically advantageous for acoustic telephone coupling, but size restrictions prevent the option of a telecoil feature.
Deciding if an invisible hearing aid is right for you
Every individual will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of IIC hearing aids to decide whether they will be worth the investment. Individual needs vary, but only you can decide if the benefits outweigh the limitations when it comes to your needs.
It is also important to discuss your needs with an experienced hearing professional who can help guide you through the process of deciding what type of hearing device is right for you. Schedule a consultation at one of our convenient locations, and let our team work with you to help you find a hearing aid that fits your lifestyle and empowers you to connect with the world around you.